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I am Tatsuya, a Spin user. Now I am wondering how to use the
-DMA option. I would be glad to hear how to use it.
I am trying to verify large Promela codes. To decrease memory
sizes to be consumed by Spin, I started to use the -DMA option
while I have used the -DCOLLAPSE option only.
For some small Promela codes, it seeems that I succeeded in using
the -DMA option correctly as follows:
$ gcc -O0 -w -g -DVECTORSZ=5678 -DMEMLIM=6144 -DMA=98765 -DSAFETY pan.c
(Spin Version 6.4.4 -- 1 November 2015)
+ Partial Order Reduction
+ Graph Encoding (-DMA=98765)
State-vector 4708 byte, depth reached 2263, errors: 0
MA stats: -DMA=4578 is sufficient
Minimized Automaton: 151982 nodes and 272208 edges
257 states, stored
176 states, matched
433 transitions (= stored+matched)
49062 atomic steps
$ gcc -O0 -w -g -DVECTORSZ=5678 -DMEMLIM=6144 -DCOLLAPSE -DSAFETY pan.c
(Spin Version 6.4.4 -- 1 November 2015)
+ Partial Order Reduction
+ Compression
State-vector 4708 byte, depth reached 2263, errors: 0
254 states, stored
170 states, matched
424 transitions (= stored+matched)
49062 atomic steps
hash conflicts: 0 (resolved)
However, for a large Promela code, it seems that I failed to run
Spin correctly as follows:
$ gcc -O0 -w -g -mcmodel=large -DVECTORSZ=521098 -DMEMLIM=131900 -DMA=429531 -DSAFETY pan.c
(Spin Version 6.4.4 -- 1 November 2015)
+ Partial Order Reduction
+ Graph Encoding (-DMA=429531)
State-vector 419644 byte, depth reached 0, errors: 0
MA stats: -DMA=419531 is sufficient
Minimized Automaton: 72631 nodes and 108947 edges
1 states, stored
1 states, matched
2 transitions (= stored+matched)
0 atomic steps
Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
0.400 equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
99.287 actual memory usage for states
26.703 memory used for DFS stack (-m500000)
125.990 total actual memory usage
$ gcc -O0 -w -g -mcmodel=large -DVECTORSZ=521098 -DMEMLIM=131900 -DCOLLAPSE -DSAFETY pan.c
(Spin Version 6.4.4 -- 1 November 2015)
+ Partial Order Reduction
+ Compression
State-vector 419660 byte, depth reached 174976, errors: 0
87594 states, stored
94087 states, matched
181681 transitions (= stored+matched)
2.3812352e+08 atomic steps
hash conflicts: 351 (resolved)
Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
35059.787 equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
32761.915 actual memory usage for states (compression: 93.45%)
state-vector as stored = 392152 byte + 36 byte overhead
128.000 memory used for hash table (-w24)
26.703 memory used for DFS stack (-m500000)
185.697 memory lost to fragmentation
32759.338 total actual memory usage
I cannot find any error/warning message that Spin returns.
Could you give me any help?
That is mysterious. It is a seriously large model, with a statevector of almost half a megabyte, but it should still work.
Would it be possible to send a version of this model, so that I can check what happens in this case?
You can also try to see why it stops after one state by compiling with -DVERBOSE and check the output of the run.
Thank you so much for the quick response, information, and
proposal to check my code.
After I submitted my question to the forum, I tried to find the
smallest in my codes that raises the same trouble.
I found such a small code (code size: 53KiB, lines: 1219,
state-vector: 3KiB).
>You can also try to see why it stops after one state by
>compiling with -DVERBOSE and check the output of the run.
I applied it (compiling with -DVERBOSE) to the small code.
A result is as follows. Any suggestion is welcome.
$ gcc -O0 -w -g -mcmodel=large -DVERBOSE -DVECTORSZ=45678 -DMEMLIM=6144 -DMA=3408748 -DSAFETY -o sequential_tso_diff_Sequential.exe sequential_tso_diff_Sequential_guards.c sequential_tso_diff_Sequential_asserts.c pan.c
0: Down - program non-accepting [pids 0-0]
new state
Pr: 0 Tr: 188
0: proc 0 exec 188, 1 to 2, x_at_0_on_0 = 0 non-accepting [tau=0]
1: Down - program non-accepting [pids 0-0]
1: Up - program
1: proc 0 reverses 188, 1 to 2
x_at_0_on_0 = 0 [abit=0,adepth=0,tau=0,0]
0: zapping
old state
(Spin Version 6.4.4 -- 1 November 2015)
+ Partial Order Reduction
+ Graph Encoding (-DMA=3408748)
+ FullStack Matching
Full statespace search for:
never claim - (none specified)
assertion violations +
cycle checks - (disabled by -DSAFETY)
invalid end states +
State-vector 3356 byte, depth reached 0, errors: 0
MA stats: -DMA=3238 is sufficient
Minimized Automaton: 1753 nodes and 2629 edges
1 states, stored
1 states, matched
0 matches within stack
2 transitions (= stored+matched)
0 atomic steps
stackframes: 0/0
stats: fa 0, fh 0, zh 0, zn 0 - check 0 holds 0
stack stats: puts 0, probes 0, zaps 0
Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
0.003 equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
4.356 actual memory usage for states
106.812 memory used for DFS stack (-m2000000)
111.168 total actual memory usage
cf. decrease size of -DMA
$ gcc -O0 -w -g -mcmodel=large -DVERBOSE -DVECTORSZ=45678 -DMEMLIM=6144 -DMA=98765 -DSAFETY -o sequential_tso_diff_Sequential.exe sequential_tso_diff_Sequential_guards.c sequential_tso_diff_Sequential_asserts.c pan.c
0: Down - program non-accepting [pids 0-0]
new state
Pr: 0 Tr: 188
0: proc 0 exec 188, 1 to 2, x_at_0_on_0 = 0 non-accepting [tau=0]
1: Down - program non-accepting [pids 0-0]
new state
Pr: 0 Tr: 189
1: proc 0 exec 189, 2 to 3, mem_at_0_on_0[x_at_0_on_0] = 0 non-accepting [tau=0]
2: Down - program non-accepting [pids 0-0]
new state
Pr: 0 Tr: 190
2: proc 0 exec 190, 3 to 4, x_at_1_on_0 = 0 non-accepting [tau=0]
...(167266 lines)...
468: Down - program non-accepting [pids 1-1]
Pr: 1 Tr: 107
468: proc 1 exec 107, 171 to 1162, kind_counter = 0 non-accepting [tau=8]
469: Down - program non-accepting [pids 2-0]
469: Up - program
469: proc 1 reverses 107, 171 to 1162
kind_counter = 0 [abit=0,adepth=0,tau=0,8]
468: Up - program
468: proc 1 reverses 2, 173 to 171
else [abit=0,adepth=0,tau=8,8]
...(167265 lines)...
3: zapping
old state
3: Up - program
3: proc 0 reverses 190, 3 to 4
x_at_1_on_0 = 0 [abit=0,adepth=0,tau=64,64]
2: zapping
old state
2: Up - program
2: proc 0 reverses 189, 2 to 3
mem_at_0_on_0[x_at_0_on_0] = 0 [abit=0,adepth=0,tau=64,64]
1: zapping
old state
1: Up - program
1: proc 0 reverses 188, 1 to 2
x_at_0_on_0 = 0 [abit=0,adepth=0,tau=64,64]
0: zapping
old state
(Spin Version 6.4.4 -- 1 November 2015)
+ Partial Order Reduction
+ Graph Encoding (-DMA=98765)
+ FullStack Matching
Full statespace search for:
never claim - (none specified)
assertion violations +
cycle checks - (disabled by -DSAFETY)
invalid end states +
State-vector 3372 byte, depth reached 2262, errors: 0
MA stats: -DMA=3242 is sufficient
Minimized Automaton: 123986 nodes and 216099 edges
255 states, stored
174 states, matched
0 matches within stack
429 transitions (= stored+matched)
49062 atomic steps
stackframes: 3/12
stats: fa 0, fh 0, zh 0, zn 0 - check 10 holds 6
stack stats: puts 0, probes 0, zaps 0
Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
0.829 equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
81.942 actual memory usage for states
106.812 memory used for DFS stack (-m2000000)
4.019 memory lost to fragmentation
184.783 total actual memory usage
>Would it be possible to send a version of this model, so that I
>can check what happens in this case?
Sure. My code (the small code that raises the same problem) is public.
The code is generated by my open-source tool McSPIN.
How should I send the code?
i. Should I simply send a set of codes (and a tiny shell script to run Spin)?
The code is generated, but I guess that it is not impossible to be read.
Can I attach it with a reply on this forum? (although I do not know how to do)
ii. Or, should I send an instruction to start to use my tool McSPIN?
I guess that it is not better since installation of some softwares
(GHC, GHC libraries, etc.) are required.
That is interesting -- I do notice that you link the pan.c with external code, which probably means that you're using c_code and/or c_expr statements. That makes it possible that the bug is elsewhere, e.g. when not all relevant state is tracked with c_track statements.
On the other hand -- the state match after a single step could point in a different direction -- as does the change in behavior when the size of -DMA changes.
The size of the state-vector shouldn't matter, but I don't think this has ever been tested to this extreme. The could well be some overflow condition somewhere in the MA code. I wrote this part in 1997, so it's been 18 years. Somewhat lowers my confidence that I still understand that code!
Thank you so much for the detailed explanation.
As you completely understand,
1. I use c_code {...} and c_expr {...}, and
2. I designate too large MA size.
I am afraid if my experiments (under overflow condition) would be
stresses to Spin. I try to re-consider design of my tool
(to return better Promela codes).
At the end of the post, let me explain why I did the above 1 and 2.
I would be glad if they are useful to development of Spin.
Thank you,
My tool generates Promela codes that contain a large size of
guards (for if/do statements). Spin translates the Promela codes
into C codes. However, it seems that GCC is not good at
compiling the C codes, and GCC requires much time (e.g., two hours)
to compile the C codes.
Therefore, I brushed up my tool. My tool generates C codes that
contain functions corresponding to the guards, and generated
Promela codes that call the functions written in C.
To include the C codes, my tool writes c_code {...} in Promela
codes. To call the functions in the C codes, my tool writes
c_expr {...} in Promela codes.
GCC can compile the C codes into which Spin translates the
Promela code with c_expr {...}, compile the C codes that
contain functions corresponding to the guards, and link them in a
few minutes. Results of verifications (for a test suite that I
developed) are exactly the same.
In my previous post, it sounds that not size of Promela code but
size of MA (that I designated) raises the trouble.
Let me explain why I designated too large MA while the small
code (53KiB) can be correctly verified under -DMA=98765.
The original code that I would like to verify is so large (around
6MiB). When I first tried to check the code as follows:
$ spin -a a_Sequential.pml
$ gcc -O0 -w -g -DVERBOSE -DVECTORSZ=645678 -DMEMLIM=6144 -DMA=500000 -DSAFETY -o a_Sequential.exe a_Sequential_guards.c a_Sequential_asserts.c pan.c
Spin returned the following:
0: Down - program non-accepting [pids 0-0]
pan: error, MA too small, recompile pan.c with -DMA=N with N>511925
pan:1: aborting (at depth 0)
pan: wrote a_Sequential.pml.trail
Therefore, I executed the following command:
$ spin -a a_Sequential.pml
$ gcc -O0 -w -g -DVERBOSE -DVECTORSZ=645678 -DMEMLIM=6144 -DMA=511926 -DSAFETY -o a_Sequential.exe a_Sequential_guards.c a_Sequential_asserts.c pan.c
and found the trouble since Spin returned the following:
0: Down - program non-accepting [pids 0-0]
new state
Pr: 0 Tr: 2239
0: proc 0 exec 2239, 1 to 2, hs_req_at_0_on_0 = 0 non-accepting [tau=0]
1: Down - program non-accepting [pids 0-0]
1: Up - program
1: proc 0 reverses 2239, 1 to 2
hs_req_at_0_on_0 = 0 [abit=0,adepth=0,tau=0,0]
0: zapping
old state
(Spin Version 6.4.4 -- 1 November 2015)
+ Partial Order Reduction
+ Graph Encoding (-DMA=511926)
+ FullStack Matching
Full statespace search for:
never claim - (none specified)
assertion violations +
cycle checks - (disabled by -DSAFETY)
invalid end states +
State-vector 512044 byte, depth reached 0, errors: 0
Minimized Automaton: 106349 nodes and 159524 edges
1 states, stored
1 states, matched
0 matches within stack
2 transitions (= stored+matched)
0 atomic steps
stackframes: 0/0
Pages: 1