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Pages: 1
==== Version 6.4.4 - 1 November 2015 ====
- when compiletime option -DNP is defined after a -run flag, the runtime
option -l is now added, if missing.
- removed the dummy definition of yywrap()
- added make32 for 32-bit linux builds (make -f make32)
- improved printing of mtype values in trace replay with pan
- improved support for cond_wait, cond_signal, and mutex_init
for models extracted by modex (not meant to be called directly)
- improved replay of error traces when -DPERMUTED is used
- improved verbose output for -DPERMUTED options
- added 64-bit murmurhash function as an alternative on 64-bit systems
it is enabled by compiling pan.c with an additional -DMURMUR directive
- replaced call srandom() with srand() and replaced random() with rand()
- added p_randrot to the set of options supported by -DPERMUTED for
rotating the process scheduling list by a random amount (see 6.4.0)
- added a runtime option (for pan.c) called -rhash to generated a
random hash-polynomial for the run (as determined by the seed for the
random number generator, which can be changed with runtime option -RSnnn)
if no seed is selected with -RS, then time is used to seed the random
number generator. Compile pan.c with -DRHASH to enable this option.
If -DRHASH is defined it will also enable directive -DPERMUTED.
see VMCAI2016 paper for examples of its use in cloud / swarm verification.
- removed the warning "this search is more efficient if compiled with -DSAFETY"
- improved spin replay of error-traces for models using process priorities
together with ltl properties or never claims
- added support for using c_expr inside ltl formula
- made select ( name : constant .. constant-expression ) work again,
e.g. so that you can again say: select (i : 0 .. N-1)
- other minor fixes and improvements throughout
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