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The following C code (based on a OS book) implements a concurrent queue. http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/threads-locks-usage.pdf (Figure 29.8) has the basic code used here.
In the test driver, I just have one reader and one writer.
I'm not sure why the assert(tmp != NULL) in the Queue_Init false. It happens only if I include the sample_reader as part of the extraction in the prx file.
I'm using the Queue_Init only from Queue_Enqueue, which sets the ready flag to true, making it possible for the Queue_Dequeue to run.
Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <assert.h>
struct __node_t {
int value;
struct __node_t *next;
typedef struct __node_t node_t;
struct __queue_t {
node_t *head;
node_t *tail;
pthread_mutex_t headLock;
pthread_mutex_t tailLock;
typedef struct __queue_t queue_t;
void Queue_Init(queue_t *q) {
node_t *tmp;
tmp = (node_t*)cq_malloc(sizeof(node_t));
assert(tmp != NULL);
tmp->next = NULL;
q->head = q->tail = tmp;
pthread_mutex_init(&q->headLock, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&q->tailLock, NULL);
void Queue_Enqueue(queue_t *q, int value) {
node_t *tmp;
tmp = (node_t*)cq_malloc(sizeof(node_t));
assert(tmp != NULL);
tmp->value = value;
tmp->next = NULL;
q->tail->next = tmp;
q->tail = tmp;
int Queue_Dequeue(queue_t *q, int *value) {
node_t *tmp;
node_t *newHead;
tmp = q->head;
newHead = tmp->next;
if (newHead == NULL) {
return -1; // queue was empty
*value = newHead->value;
q->head = newHead;
return 0;
/* Test driver */
queue_t queue;
int Ready = 0;
{ int i;
Ready = 1;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Queue_Enqueue(&queue, i);
int j = 0;
int i = 0;
int status = -1;
for(i = 0 ; i < 5; i++) {
status = Queue_Dequeue(&queue, &j);
if(status == -1)
i = i - 1;
else {
assert(i == j);
%X -a sample_writer
%X -a sample_reader
%X -e Queue_Init
%X -e Queue_Enqueue
%X -e Queue_Dequeue
shortest: 1
#define MAX_HEAP 200
int cnt = 0;
char heap[MAX_HEAP];
char *
cq_malloc(unsigned int n)
{ char *p;
p = (void *) 0;
if (cnt + n <= sizeof(heap))
{ p = &heap[cnt];
cnt += n;
return p;
cq_free(void *p)
p = NULL;
Last edited by Dharma (2015-02-02 03:12:26)
the reason: cq_malloc returns NULL because the heap you declared in the .prx file is exhausted (it has just 200 bytes).
in the error trail I see a total of six calls to cq_malloc, each allocating the size of a node_t structure, which is 128 bytes on my machine (two times a 64 bit quantity), which exceeds 200 bytes by a fair margin.
gh@nada:~/Dharma$ spin -replay model| grep cq_malloc
10: proc 2 (p_Queue_Init) model:137 (state 8) [ Pp_Queue_Init->tmp=(node_t *)cq_malloc(sizeof(node_t )); ]
41: proc 1 (p_Queue_Enqueue) model:115 (state 9) [ Pp_Queue_Enqueue->tmp=(node_t *)cq_malloc(sizeof(node_t )); ]
67: proc 1 (p_Queue_Enqueue) model:115 (state 9) [ Pp_Queue_Enqueue->tmp=(node_t *)cq_malloc(sizeof(node_t )); ]
93: proc 1 (p_Queue_Enqueue) model:115 (state 9) [ Pp_Queue_Enqueue->tmp=(node_t *)cq_malloc(sizeof(node_t )); ]
119: proc 1 (p_Queue_Enqueue) model:115 (state 9) [ Pp_Queue_Enqueue->tmp=(node_t *)cq_malloc(sizeof(node_t )); ]
162: proc 1 (p_Queue_Enqueue) model:115 (state 9) [ Pp_Queue_Enqueue->tmp=(node_t *)cq_malloc(sizeof(node_t )); ]
By the way: the heap would also need to be visible to Spin to track.
You can do that with a c_track statement, but perhaps it's much easier to just let Modex handle it by using a standard call to malloc() instead. If you do so, Modex will convert it into a call to an already instrumented internal function called spin_malloc(), which takes care of the tracking.
You can set the size of the internal spin_heap with an argument to modex itself:
modex -heapsize=200
(the default heapsize used by spin/modex is 256 bytes)
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