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Pages: 1
I don't understand the division of expressions into any_expr and expr. The assign rule says that a varref may be assigned with an any_expr. This means that for instance the model "init { bool x; x = true || false; }" is malformed because "true || false" is an expr (of the form expr andor expr) that is not an any_expr. What is the point of having any_expr and expr?
What would go wrong if any_expr and expr were combined under a single expression definition?
According to the grammar, Boolean expressions belong to the syntactic category `expr`, so a variable declaration such as `bool b = true || false` should be rejected by Spin, but it is accepted. However, `bool b = full(c)` is rejected. I guess the difference between `any_expr` and `expr` is really the presence of `chanpoll`.
Pages: 1