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Dear SPIN developers,
MBT Arranger is a C++ test generator that uses PROMELA as its modeling input language.
I enhanced its Eclipse-based "content assist" (aka "intellisense") to present HTML contents and would like to include the man pages as on http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/promela.html for all the syntax-highlighted keywords such as mtype, trace, etc.
What are the license terms of those HTML man pages from the www.spinroot.com website or whom shall I ask for written permission?
Thank you and kind regards,
MBT Arranger is free of charge and open sourced by ETAS/BOSCH. Development status is published at https://github.com/etas/MBT-ARRANGER/wiki and mirrored at http://sourceforge.net/projects/mbtarranger .
Here is a screenshot of content assist for mtype: https://github.com/etas/MBT-ARRANGER/blob/gh-pages/pics/content_assist.jpg
Here is a video of the PROMELA editor and explorer in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXP8A7nxW4c
For debugging I included another gadget, called "Path Finder". It shows semi-automated state exploration according to parameters 'lookahead', 'lookbehind', 'lookaside', 'maxtransitions' and 'decision history'. It visualizes state space exploration up to / beyond / beside the next pending user decision and asks for user input on how to proceed at the next non-deterministic branching of your SPIN model or jump back (partial reset) to an earlier decision. I recorded a video of that state space exploration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUPJAUjipsM
Feel free to link to those pages. They do occasionally get updated, so it is better to link to them rather than copy them.
As long as the source is clear, there is no problem reusing the material. (Just don't claim your own copyright on them.
You can say (c) copyright Promela Manual Pages http://spinroot.com
It looks like what you're doing can be very helpful indeed.
Very nice editing environment!
Thank you for your quick reply and positive feedback.
I will follow your advice: MBT Arranger will present a short single-sentence summary with synopsis accessible offline. In the copyright notice below that summary it will provide a hyperlink to your latest online man page. That way users can work completely offline and have your original online documentation just one explicit click away.
I will drop a sample here once done.
Kind regards,
Just implemented. On http://youtu.be/1zybF1Ozuoc you can have a look at your proposed hyper-linking in action.
Thanks again