0. Background
The first charter for the Spin Symposium series was drafted in July 2001 and remained in
effect unto October 2008
(original charter).
In 2008 the charter was simplified a little to bring it into better alliance with the
organization of the series as it had evolved over the years.
It is as follows.
1. Scope
The Spin Symposium Series focuses specifically on research in
the verification of software systems through the use of
algorithms and tools.
This scope includes theoretical advances, tool implementations, as well as
significant applications and case studies.
The Program Committee (see below) can interpret the above Scope statement broadly,
and is expected to follow new developments in the field when drafting the call
for papers for each new Symposium and when selecting papers.
2. Reviewing
Submitted papers to each symposium are reviewed by a Program Committee (PC) that
consists of recognized experts in the domain of the symposium.
It is the duty of the PC to maintain quality through a rigorous selection process
for selected papers.
(As a general guideline, it is expected that the acceptance rate for the symposium
will be no higher than 40% of all submitted papers.)
Every effort will be made to publish the Proceedings of each symposium in archival format
in cooperation with a mainstream Publisher.
At the discretion of the Program Committee, extended versions of
selected symposium papers may also be collected for separate journal publication.
3. Steering Committee
A Steering Committee (SC) is created to provide
long-term guidance and continuity for the Spin Symposium Series.
- The SC consists of minimally four and maximally six long-term members.
- The SC is chaired on a rotating basis by one of its members.
- The position of chair cannot be held for more than three consecutive years by any one member.
- There will be at least one SC meeting per calendar year.
- The proceedings of all SC meetings are open to anyone interested.
- Any decisions made by the SC must be supported by a simple majority of all SC members.
The specific responsibilities of the Steering Committee are as follows:
- The selection of a suitable venue for the symposium in each year, securing continuity
(the preference is to alternate venues between Europe and North America, but deviations
from this preference, and other locations are not ruled out by this charter),
- The selection of a Program and/or a General Chair for each Spin Symposium,
- Advising Program and/or General Chairs on programmatic and organizational matters,
including the selection of a strong Program Committee,
- Organizing a general business meeting at each Spin Symposium to discuss the well-being
of the Series, and to elicit opinions on how it could be improved,
- Selecting new members to the Steering Committee, and
- Maintenance of the Charter.
Members of the SC may serve on the PC,
at the discretion of the Program Chair(s) for each Symposium. It is expected,
though not required, that each year no more than 2 or 3 of the SC members
serve in this capacity.
The current Steering Committee consists of the following members, in alphabetical order
(updated 10 July 2023):
Steering committee alumni include
- Amir Pnueli (until 2009)
- Moshe Vardi (until 2009)
- Pierre Wolper (until 2010)
- Dragan Bosnacki (until 2023)
Amir Pnueli (1941-2009)
was one of the founding members of the Spin Steering and Advisory Committee.
Sadly, he passed away in November 2009.