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even though this is no bug I though it might well fit here.
I have a model that does not have many states but an huge amount of possible transitions.
My problem is that I cannot see any progress when watching the pan output as the states never reach the marker of 1 million stored states but have transitions in the area of 70 million and above. At first I just thought that the verifier somehow hung and only after killing it at different times I saw a difference in the number of transitions explored.
Currently I have made to following changes to pangen1.h. I guess it could be implemented in a better way but it does the job for me. Maybe you can think about including this/a similar functionality, maybe not ;-)
I changed the following lines (2829-2838)
" if (!kk)",
" { static long sdone = (long) 0; long ndone;",
" nstates++;",
"#if defined(ZAPH) && defined(BITSTATE)",
" zstates += (double) hfns;",
" ndone = (ulong) (nstates/(freq));",
" if (ndone != sdone)",
" { snapshot();",
" sdone = ndone;",
" if (!kk)",
" { static long sdone = (long) 0; long ndone;",
" static long sdone2 = (long) 0; long ndone2;",
" nstates++;",
"#if defined(ZAPH) && defined(BITSTATE)",
" zstates += (double) hfns;",
" ndone = (ulong) (nstates/(freq));",
" ndone2 = (ulong) ((nstates+truncs)/(10*freq));",
" if (ndone != sdone || ndone2 != sdone2)",
" { snapshot();",
" sdone = ndone;",
" sdone2 = ndone2;",
This is the diff:
@@ -2828,14 +2828,17 @@
" }",
" if (!kk)",
" { static long sdone = (long) 0; long ndone;",
+ " static long sdone2 = (long) 0; long ndone2;",
" nstates++;",
"#if defined(ZAPH) && defined(BITSTATE)",
" zstates += (double) hfns;",
" ndone = (ulong) (nstates/(freq));",
- " if (ndone != sdone)",
+ " ndone2 = (ulong) ((nstates+truncs)/(10*freq));",
+ " if (ndone != sdone || ndone2 != sdone2)",
" { snapshot();",
" sdone = ndone;",
+ " sdone2 = ndone2;",
"#if defined(AUTO_RESIZE) && !defined(BITSTATE) && !defined(MA)",
" if (nstates > ((double)(ONE_L<<(ssize+1))))",
" { void resize_hashtable(void);",