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It looks like spin 6.0.1 produces pan, which loops infinitely after reading a trail.
Try this:
spin -a pathfinder.pml
gcc -o pan pan.c
./pan -C -r
It prints the trail and then it just heats CPU. According to gdb the problem is in pangen1.h:390:
"char *",
"find_source(int tp, int s)",
"{ int i;",
" for (i = 0; flref[tp]->fnm; i++)",
" { if (s >= flref[tp]->from",
" && s <= flref[tp]->upto)",
" { return flref[tp]->fnm;",
" } }",
" return PanSource; /* i.e., don't know */",
Should it be fixed like that?
"char *",
"find_source(int tp, int s)",
" if (s >= flref[tp]->from",
" && s <= flref[tp]->upto)",
" { return flref[tp]->fnm;",
" }",
" return PanSource; /* i.e., don't know */",
wow, that's a fascinating bug -- i believe you're right about the fix.
now i have to scratch my head to figure out how this got written this way in the first place.
thanks for the report -- it'll be fixed in the next release!