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Pages: 1
Is this a mistake or I misconfigured the verifier?
Normally the process M should not be executed before the end of H.
Do you have a comment...
With my thanks.
byte cnt;
active proctype M() priority 5 {
int temp;
set_priority(0, get_priority(1));
temp = cnt; temp++; cnt = temp;
active proctype H() priority 10 {
int temp;
temp = cnt; temp++; cnt = temp;
active proctype B() priority 1 {
assert(_priority == 1 && cnt == 2);
spin -a priorite1.pml
./pan -m10000 -E
Pid: 4584
pan:1: assertion violated ((_priority==1)&&(cnt==2)) (at depth 10)
pan: wrote priorite1.pml.trail
(Spin Version 6.2.1 -- 14 May 2012)
I might find another bug from this example. If I add a useless statement in process M before set_priority, then verification results with DFS and BFS searches are different. DFS search finds the error, but BFS doesn't.
This is my Promela modle.
byte cnt;
active proctype M() priority 5
int temp;
temp = 0;
set_priority(0, get_priority(1));
temp = cnt; temp++; cnt = temp
active proctype H() priority 10
int temp;
temp = cnt; temp++; cnt = temp
active proctype B() priority 1
assert(_priority == 1 && cnt == 2)
Pages: 1