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I'm having a problem with the new ispin:
When I load a promela program and start a verification I get the error message
invalid command name ".f.fVp.top.right.row0.ent"
invalid command name ".f.fVp.top.right.row0.ent"
while executing
"$t.top.right.row0.ent get"
(procedure "run_ver" line 67)
invoked from within
"run_ver .f.fVp "
invoked from within
".f.fVp.top.fourth.row6.go invoke"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"
(procedure "tk::ButtonUp" line 22)
invoked from within
"tk::ButtonUp .f.fVp.top.fourth.row6.go"
(command bound to event)
The problem disappears if I open the "Show advanced parameter setting" window, and reoccurs when I close that window.
It seems the tcl-code cannot read from a closed window?
The problem occurs both on 64-bit Fedora Linux with Gnome and on a 64-bit Suse installation.
The problem mentioned is solved in the new ispin of Jan 4.
Hoewever, the source distribution (spin601.tar.gz) still contains the old version of ispin.
I had exactly the same issue with ispin some time ago. I am happy to note that the problem has been solved. But it is mentioned here that the source distribution still contains the old version of ispin. So in every probability this problem will recur. Anyway it is reassuring to note that the administrator will be taking care of it.
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