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Pages: 1
ispin does not run the Dot tool after updating line 21 in ispin.tcl file on a PC machine. The original line changed by set DOT "C:/Program\ \ Files/Graphviz/bin/dot.exe" which is the default installation on my machine and it shows this error message "ispin: cannot find C:/Program Files/Graphviz/dot.exe"
The way I got this to work was by setting DOT as follows:
set DOT "C:/Program Files/Graphviz2.26.3/bin/dot"
and later in the invocation (around line 7294 in ispin.tcl):
catch { eval exec ./pan -D | \"$DOT\" > dot.tmp } err
that is: you need to add the double-quotes in both places to make this work
it is working fine now, thanks
How to use Graphviz to generate complex graphs????I tried many using Graphviz in different manners to generate graphs but was unable in doing so...Can anybody suggest some guidelines for my issue..
Last edited by likaritz (2011-11-29 06:44:22)
Pages: 1