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I am using iSpin 1.0.4 and Spin 6.0.1 which I recently downloaded and installed. I ran iSpin on a simple mutual exclusion protocol below. The verification produced an error trail which I then simulated in the simulator. At about the 4th step of the simulation, the variable want0 is shown with value 1, which seems wrong to me.
I had noticed a similar discrepancy earlier. Is there a problem with iSpin's display of variables?
If needed I can send the trail file as well.
byte turn = 0;
bool want0 = false;
bool want1 = false;
bool CS0 = false;
bool CS1 = false;
proctype process0(){
:: want0 = true;
((!want1) || (turn == 0)); /* block till condition is true */
turn = 0;
CS0 = true; /* enter CS */
CS0 = false;
want0 = false;
turn = 1;
proctype process1(){
:: want1 = true;
((!want0) || (turn == 1)); /* block till condition is true */
turn = 1;
CS1 = true; /* enter CS */
CS1 = false;
want1 = false;
turn = 0;
init {
run process0();
run process1();
ltl mutualex {
always (!(CS0 && CS1));
ltl nostarv0 {
always (want0 -> eventually (CS0));
you can reproduce these trails from the command line to see more clearly what happens when you execute the model
for the counter example that you get with a default run of the verifier (./pan) the first few steps from the traceback from the command line look like this
$ spin -a tryme
$ cc -o pan pan.c
$ ./pan
$ spin -t -v -p -l -g tryme
ltl mutualex: [] (! ((CS0) && (CS1)))
ltl nostarv0: [] ((! (want0)) || (<> (CS0)))
spin: couldn't find claim 3 (ignored)
2 = :init:
1 = process1
0 = process0
Starting process0 with pid 2
2: proc 0 (:init:) tryme:36 (state 1) [(run process0())]
Starting process1 with pid 3
4: proc 0 (:init:) tryme:37 (state 2) [(run process1())]
6: proc 2 (process1) tryme:23 (state 1) [want1 = 1]
want1 = 1
8: proc 2 (process1) tryme:24 (state 2) [((!(want0)||(turn==1)))]
You can see that in step 6 here the value of want1 is set to 1 (since it's symmetric, it could just as easily bee want0, as in your case).
Hope that helps!
Pages: 1