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After downloading spin601.exe and cygwin1.dll from [url]http://spinroot.com/spin/Bin/index.html[/url]
(and optional renaming it to spin.exe), I have the following error in a dialog-box (copied with Control+C):
spin.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point __assert_func could not be located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll.
(OS: Windows XP Pro SP3 ("ver" gives "Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]") )
Does it mean that:
(1) using cygwin (with a newer cygwin1.dll) in not just 'strongly recommended', but it is mandatory for Spin 6.0+?
(2) everyone else is already using it (since I don't see similar complaints here (at least, search for "cygwin1.dll" gives nothing))?
cygwin recently had a major upgrade, so it means that the version of cygwin1.dll that we had on spinroot likely became outdated and no longer works (it was from 2006).
i just uploaded the version (from august 2010) that was used to compile spin601.exe
so please try downloading this version of cygwin1.dll and see if it solves the problem
Yes, it solves the problem. ^_^
Thank you!