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Pages: 1
Hi everyone.
Before the last version, the -M option was to generate a MSC-flow in postscript format. With the last version, this option generates a MSC-flow in TCL/TK format.
Sorry, but I would like to use this MSC in postscript format (PS or EPS).
Could you tell me a tool or procedure to convert TCL/TK into PS/EPS format, please?
Thank you in advance.
Last edited by salcaraz (2019-04-30 16:26:27)
The easiest way to convert it would be to display the trail with 'wish' and then do a screengrab to put it into .png or .jpg format.
I don't know of any tools to convert tcl/tk output directly to Postscript (does anyone still use Postscript instead of PDF?)
you can convert the .tcl into .ps, adding the line below at the end of the .tcl file, and re-run the file with 'wish':
.c postscript -file "myfile.ps"
and you can play with -x -y -heigth and -width parameters if you want to adjust your image.
Last edited by salcaraz (2019-05-11 18:35:39)
Pages: 1