Main SPIN Versions
Version 0.0 - 6/89 - basic version, based on pan (1980), trace (1983) and sdlvalid (1987)
Version 1.0 - 1/91 - supertrace and exhaustive verification
Version 1.5 - 4/93 - added Xspin (graphical user interface)
Version 2.0 - 1/95 - partial order reduction
Version 2.3 - 4/95 - channel poll operators
Version 2.4 - 5/95 - simulation breakpointing
Version 2.7 - 7/95 - direct support for LTL formulae
Version 2.8 - 3/96 - added support for Windows95/98/NT PCs
Version 2.9 - 9/96 - unified algorithms for -l and -a
Version 3.0 - 8/97 - bdd-like compression, event traces, support for Windows95/98/NT
Version 3.1 - 1/98 - language support for reading simulation inputs from STDIN
Version 3.2 - 4/98 - inline procedures to Promela, added hashcompact (3.2.2)
Version 3.3 - 6/99 - statement merging, stack cycling, and data-flow optimization
Version 3.4 - 8/00 - support for property-based slicing (spin option -A)
Version 4.0 - 1/03 - support for embedded C code and breadth-first search
Version 4.1 - 12/03 - support for data abstraction on embedded code
Version 4.2 - 6/04 - support for multiple hashfunctions in bitstate mode (k>2)
Version 5.0 -10/07 - support for distributed model checking on multi-core systems
Version 5.1 - 4/08 - support for swarm verifications
Version 5.2 - 5/09 - support for swarm version 2, and bounded countext switching
Version 6.0 - 12/10 - support for multiple inline LTL formulae, for and select statements, scope rules
Version 6.2 - 5/12 - support for parallel breadth-first search and priority-based scheduling
Version 6.3 - 5/14 - semi-colons made optional at the end of a line
Version 6.4 - 9/19 - a range of new builtin search, replay, and swarm options