Invited Talks |
String Analysis for Vulnerability Detection and Repair ,
Tevfik Bultan (UC Santa Barbara, USA) |
The Augmented Reality of Model Counting ,
Willem Visser (Stellenbosch University, S. Africa) |
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Tutorial |
CBMC: Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Programs ,
Michael Tautschnig (Oxford University, UK) |
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Research Papers |
[PDF] Parallel SAT-Based Parameterised Three-Value Model Checking,
N. Timm, S. Fruner, P. Sibanda |
[PDF] Symbolic Causality Checking Using Bounded Model Checking,
A. Beer, S. Heidinger, U. Kuhne, F. Leitner-Fisher, S. Leueu |
[PDF] On Refinement of Buchi Automata for Explicit Model Checking,
F. Blahoudek, A. Duret-Lutz, V. Rujbr, J. Strejcek |
[PDF] Comparitive Analysis of Leakage Tools on Scalable Case Studies,
F. Biondi, A. Legay, J. Quilbeuf |
[PDF] MESS: Memory Performance Debuggin on Embedded Multi-Core Systems,
S. Chattopaghyah |
[PDF] Fast, Dynamically-Sized Concurrent Hash-Table,
J. Barnat, P. Rockai, V. Still, J. Weiser |
[PDF] Practical Stutter-Invariant Checks for omega-Regular Languages,
T. Michaud, A. Duret-Lutz |
[PDF] Model Counting for Complex Data Structures,
A. Filieri, M.F. Frias, C.S. Pasareanu, W. Visser |
[PDF] Family-Based Model Checking without a Family-Based Model Checker,
A.S. Dimovski, A.S. Al-Sibahi, C. Brabrand, A. Wasowski |
[PDF] Runtime Verification of Expected Energy Consumption in Smartphones,
A.R. Espada, M. del Mar Gallardo, A. Samleron, P. Merino |
[PDF] Refinement Selection,
D. Beyer, S. Lowe, P. Wendler |
[PDF] Benchmarking and Resource Measurement - Application to Automatic Verification,
D. Beyer, S. Lowe, P. Wendler |
[PDF] Picklock: a Deadlock Prediction Approach under Nested Locking,
F. Sorrentino |
[PDF] IC-Cut: a Compositional Search Strategy for Dynamic Test Generation,
M. Christakis, P. Godefroid |
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Tool & Idea Papers |
[PDF] ASTRA: A tool for Abstract Interpretation of Graph Transformation Systems,
P. Backes, J. Reineke |
[PDF] Directed Model Checking for Promela with Relaxation-Based Distance Functions,
A.S. Andisha, M. Wehrle, B. Westphal |
[PDF] DSVerifier: A Bounded Model Checking Tool for Digital Systems,
H. Ismail, I. Bessa, L. Cordeiro, E. Batista de Lima Filho, J.E. Chaves Filho |
[PDF] From Helena Ensemble Specifications to Promela Verification Models,
A. Klarl |
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