SPIN 2012 Program, July 23-24, 2012, Oxford, UK

Invited Speakers
Beyond First-order Satisfaction: Fixed points, Interpolants, Automata and Polynomials, Tom Ball
Mining Models, Andreas Zeller
Towards Automatic Synthesis of Software Verification Tools, Andrey Rybalchenko
How to Crash Your Code using Dynamic Symbolic Execution (invited tutorial), Cristian Cadar
Technical Papers
[PDF] Combining the Sweep-Line Method with the use of an External-memory Priority Queue, Sami Evangelista and Lars Michael Kristensen
[PDF] Parameterized Model Checking of Fine Grained Concurrency, Divjyot Sethi, Muralidhar Talupur, Daniel Schwartz-Narbonne, and Sharad Malik
[PDF] On Parallel Software Veri cation using Boolean Equation Systems, Alexander Ditter, Milan Ceska, and Gerald Luttgen
[PDF] mctau: Bridging the Gap between Modest and UPPAAL, Jonathan Bogdoll, Alexandre David, Arnd Hartmanns, and Holger Hermanns
[PDF] Parallelizing the Spin Model Checker, Gerard J. Holzmann
[PDF] Counterexample Explanation by Anomaly Detection, Stefan Leue and Mitra Tabaei Befrouei
[PDF] Formal Veri cation of Hierarchically Distributed Agent Based Protection Scheme in Smart Grid, Shravan Garlapati and Sandeep K. Shukla
[PDF] Improving GPU Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication for Probabilistic Model Checking, Anton Wijs and Dragan Bosnacki
[PDF] Model Checking DSL-Generated C Source Code, Martin Sulzmann and Axel Zechner
[PDF] Parallel Model Checking using Abstraction, Ethan Burns and Rong Zhou
[PDF] McPatom: A Predictive Analysis Tool for Atomicity Violation using Model Checking, Reng Zeng, Zhuo Sun, Su Liu, and Xudong He
[PDF] A compositional Minimization Approach for Large Asynchronous Design Veri cation, Hao Zheng, Emmanuel Rodriguez, Yingying Zhang, and Chris Myers
[PDF] Gossiping Girls Are All Alike, Theo C. Ruys and Pim Kars
Tool Presentations
[PDF] SMTInterpol { an Interpolating SMT Solver, Jurgen Christ, Jochen Hoenicke, and Alexander Nutz
[PDF] S2N: Model Transformation from SPIN to NuSMV, Jiang Yong and Qiu Zongyan
[PDF] FAuST: A Framework for Formal Veri cation, Automated Debugging, and Software Test Generation, Heinz Riener and Gorschwin Fey

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