Proceedings of the 12th SPIN Workshop on Model Checking Software
San Francisco, USA
Co-located with CONCUR 2005
August 22 - 24, 2005
Published in:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Volume LNCS 3639, Springer Verlag, August 2005
Invited Speakers:
Technical Program:
Session 1 -- State Representation and Abstraction
An Incremental Heap Canonicalization Algorithm (PDF)
Madanlal Musuvathi (Microsoft Research) and David L. Dill (Stanford Univ.)
Memory Efficient State Space Storage in Explicit Software Model Checking (PDF)
Sami Evangelista and Jean-Francois Pradat-Peyre (CEDRIC CNAM, Paris, France)
Counterexample-based Refinement for a Boundedness Test for CFSM Languages (PDF)
Stefan Leue and Wei Wei (Univ. Konstanz, Germany)
Session 2 -- Dealing with Concurrency
Symbolic Model Checking for Asynchronous Boolean Programs (PDF)
Byron Cook (Microsoft Research), Daniel Kroening (ETH Zurich) and Natasha Sharygina (CMU)
Improving Spin's Partial Order Reduction for Breadth First Search (PDF)
Dragan Bosnacki (Eindhoven Univ., The Netherlands), and Gerard J. Holzmann (NASA/JPL)
Sound Transaction-based Reduction without Cycle Detection (PDF)
Vladimir Levin (Microsoft), Robert Palmer (Univ. Utah), Shaz Qadeer and Sriram K. Rajamani (Microsoft Reseach)
Tutorial 1
Effective Bug Hunting with Spin and Modex (PDF)
by Gerard J. Holzmann (NASA/JPL) and Theo C. Ruys (Univ. Twente, The Netherlands)
Session 3 -- Dealing with Complex Data
Repairing Structurally Complex Data (PDF)
Sarfraz Khurshid, Ivan Garcia and Yuk Lai Suen (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Crafting a Promela Front-End with Abstract Data Types to Mitigate
the Sensitivity of (Compositional) Analysis to Implementation Choices (PDF)
Yung-Pin Cheng (Nat. Taiwan Normal Univ.)
Behavioural Models for Hierarchical Components (PDF)
Tomas Barros, Ludovic Henrio and Eric Madelaine (INRIA Sophia, France)
Session 4 -- Tool Presentations
ETCH: An Enhanced Type Checking Tool for Promela (PDF)
Alastair F. Donaldson and Simon J. Gay (Univ. Glasgow, Scotland)
Enhanced Probabilistic Verification with 3Spin and 3Murphi (PDF)
Peter C. Dillinger and Panagiotis Manolios (Georgia Inst. of Techn.)
SPLAT: A Tool for Model-Checking and Dynamically-Enforcing Abstractions (PDF)
Anil Madhavapeddy (Univ. Cambridge, UK), David Scott (Fraser Research) and Richard Sharp (Intel Research Cambridge, UK)
Learning-Based Assume-Guarantee Verification (PDF)
Dimitra Giannakopoulou and Corina S. Pasareanu (NASA Ames Research Center)
Tutorial 2
The BLAST Software Verification System
by Tom Henzinger (EPFL Lausanne), Ranjit Jhala (UCSD), Rupak Majumdar (UC Berkeley)
Session 5 -- Checking Temporal Properties
On-the-fly Emptiness Checks for Generalized Buchi Automata (PDF)
Jean-Michel Couvreur (Univ. Bordeaux, France), Alexandre Duret-Lutz and Denis Poitrenaud (Univ. Paris, France)
Stuttering Congruence for Chi (PDF)
Bas Luttik and Nikola Trcka (Eindhoven Univ., The Netherlands)
Verifying Pattern-Generated LTL Formulas: A Case Study (PDF)
Salamah Salamah (Univ. Texas at El Paso), Ann Gates, Steve Roach and Oscar Mondragon (ESI Center, Mexico)
Session 6 -- Checking Security and Real-Time Properties
Generic Verification of Security Protocols (PDF)
Abdul Sahid Khan, Madhavan Mukund and S. P. Suresh (Chennai Math. Institute, India)
Using SPIN and Eclipse for Optimized High-Level Modeling and Analysis of Computer Network Attack Models (PDF)
Gerrit Rothmaier (Materna GmbH, Dortmund, Germany), Tobias Kneiphoff (Bosch, Germany) and Heiko Krumm (Univ. Dortmund, Germany)
Model Checking Machine Code with the GNU Debugger (PDF)
Eric Mercer and Michael Jones (Brigham Young Univ., Utah)
Tutorial 3
Model Checking Programs with Java PathFinder
by Willem Visser and Peter Mehlitz (NASA Ames Research Center)
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(Page updated: 20 August 2005)