Proceedings of the 7th SPIN Workshop
Stanford University, California
Held: August 30 - September 1, 2000
Published as:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Volume 1885, Springer Verlag.
September 2000, ISSN 0302-9743.
The page numbers below refer to this publication.
Invited talks:
Invited Tool Presentations:
Technical Program:
Symmetric Spin, D. Bosnacki,
D. Dams, and L. Holenderski, Eindhoven University, The Netherlands.
(pp. 1-19, PDF)
- Using Garbage Collection in Model Checking,
R. Iosif and R. Sisto, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
(pp. 20-33, PDF)
- Model Checking Based on Simultaneous Reachability Analysis,
B. Karacali and K. C. Tai, North-Carolina State University.
(pp. 34-53, PDF)
- Testing SPIN's LTL Formula Conversion into Buchi Automata with Randomly Generated Input,
H. Tauriainen and K. Heljanko, Helsinki University, Finland.
(pp. 54-72, PDF)
- Verification and Optimization of a PLC Control Schedule,
E. Brinksma and A. Mader, Twente University, The Netherlands
(pp. 73-92, PDF)
- Modeling the ASCB-D Synchronization Algorithm with SPIN: A Case Study,
N. Weininger and D. Cofer, Honeywell Technology Center, Minneapolis.
(pp. 93-112, PDF)
- Bebop: A Symbolic Model Checker for Boolean Programs,
T. Ball and S. K. Rajamani, Microsoft Research.
(pp. 113-130, PDF)
- Logic Verification of ANSI C Code with SPIN,
G.J. Holzmann, Bell Laboratories.
(pp. 131-147, PDF)
- Interaction Abstraction for Compositional Finite State Systems,
W. Liu, University of Waterloo, Canada.
(pp. 148-162, PDF)
- Correctness by Construction: Towards Verification in Hierarchical System Development,
M. Majster-Cederbaum and F. Salger, Univ. of Mannheim, Germany.
(pp. 163-180, PDF)
- Linking STEP with SPIN,
A. Browne, H. Sipma and T. Zhang, Stanford University.
(pp. 181-186, PDF)
- Abstraction of Communication Channels in Promela: a Case Study,
E. Fersman and B. Jonsson, University Uppsala, Sweden.
(pp. 187-204, PDF)
- A Language Framework for Expressing Checkable Properties of Dynamic Software,
J. Corbett, M. Dwyer, J. Hatcliff, and Robby, Univ. of Hawaii, and Kansas State University.
(pp. 205-223, PDF)
- Model-Checking Multi-Threaded Distributed Java Programs,
S. D. Stoller, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
(pp. 224-244, PDF)
- Using Runtime Analysis to Guide Model Checking of Java Programs,
K. Havelund, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, California.
(pp. 245-264, PDF)
- Communication Topology Analysis for Concurrent Programs,
M. Martel and M. Gengler, Lab. d'Informatique de Marseille, France.
(pp. 265-286, PDF)
- Low-Fat Recipes for SPIN,
T. C. Ruys, Twente University, The Netherlands.
(pp. 287-321, PDF)
Program committee:
- Dennis Dams (Eindhoven University, Holland)
- David Dill (Stanford University, USA)
- Orna Grumberg (The Technion, Israel)
- John Hatcliff (Kansas State University, USA)
- Bengt Jonsson (Uppsala University, Sweden)
- Kim Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
- Stefan Leue (University of Freiburg, Germany)
- Doron Peled (Bell Labs/CMU, USA)
- Natarajan Shankar (SRI, USA)
- Joseph Sifakis (Verimag, France)
- Moshe Y. Vardi (Rice University, USA)
- Pierre Wolper (Universite de Liege, Belgium)
Spin2000 Workshop organization:
- Klaus Havelund (NASA Ames Research Center)
- John Penix (NASA Ames Research Center)
- Willem Visser (NASA Ames Research Center)
- Gerard Holzmann (Bell Laboratories)
Spin Homepage
(Page updated: 21 September 2002)