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A random simulation using ispin (seed 123) for the next model
1 chan c = [10] of { byte };
3 proctype A()
4 { int i;
5 do :: i < 4 -> c ! 3;
6 set_priority(_pid, 1);
7 i++;
8 od
9 }
11 proctype B() {
12 d_step { c ! 1; set_priority(1, 4); c ! 2; }
13 set_priority(_pid, 3);
14 c ! 4
15 }
17 init { set_priority(0, 2); run A(); run B() priority 2;}
produces the error
spin: priorities3.pml:15, Error: cannot happen - weights
Furthermore, removing line 13 produces a more strange error
spin: allocated 1 Gb, wanted 44 bytes more
spin: priorities3.pml:16, Error: not enough memory
This happens only in simulations, right? Not in verifications.
The first error is a bug in the simulation code -- will be fixed in 6.3.1.
Likely the second error was a side-effect of this.
After I fixed the first problem, the second no longer happens.
I think there is small bug when showing the process priorities in an error trail. For instance, priorities are properly attached to processes in a random simulation trail for the above model. But, if we add ltl p {[]( len(c)<5 )}, then some priorities in the error trail (below) are wrong; e.g. the priority of A (_pid=1) is set to 4 in step 8, but in steps 10-13 the process appears with priority 1. Besides, in lines 22-27, A appears with priority 3 (the last priority of B - never shown) instead of 1. The never claim p got priority 2 instead of init; perhaps this is the source of the bug.
ltl p: [] ((len(c)<5))
starting claim 3
using statement merging
MSC: ~G line 4
1: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
Never claim moves to line 4 [(1)]
2: setting priority of proc 0 to 2
2: proc 0 (:init::1) channelsT.pml:18 (state 1) [set_priority(0, 2)]
3: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
Starting A with pid 2 priority 1
4: proc 0 (:init::1) channelsT.pml:18 (state 2) [(run A())]
5: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
Starting B with pid 3 priority 2
6: proc 0 (:init::1) channelsT.pml:18 (state 3) [(run B())]
7: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
8: proc 2 (B:2) channelsT.pml:12 (state -) [values: 1!1]
8: proc 2 (B:2) channelsT.pml:12 (state 4) [c!1]
queue 1 (c): [1]
8: setting priority of proc 1 to 4
8: proc 2 (B:2) channelsT.pml:12 (state 2) [set_priority(1, 4)]
queue 1 (c): [1]
8: proc 2 (B:2) channelsT.pml:12 (state -) [values: 1!2]
8: proc 2 (B:2) channelsT.pml:12 (state 3) [c!2]
queue 1 (c): [1][2]
9: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
10: proc 1 (A:1) channelsT.pml:5 (state 1) [((i<4))]
11: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
12: proc 1 (A:1) channelsT.pml:5 (state -) [values: 1!3]
12: proc 1 (A:1) channelsT.pml:5 (state 2) [c!3]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3]
13: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
14: setting priority of proc 1 to 1
14: proc 1 (A:1) channelsT.pml:6 (state 3) [set_priority(_pid, 1)]
15: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
16: setting priority of proc 2 to 3
16: proc 2 (B:2) channelsT.pml:13 (state 5) [set_priority(_pid, 3)]
17: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
18: proc 2 (B:2) channelsT.pml:14 (state -) [values: 1!4]
18: proc 2 (B:2) channelsT.pml:14 (state 6) [c!4]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4]
19: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
20: proc 2 terminates
21: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
22: proc 1 (A:3) channelsT.pml:7 (state 4) [i = (i+1)]
A(1):i = 1
23: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
24: proc 1 (A:3) channelsT.pml:5 (state 1) [((i<4))]
25: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
26: proc 1 (A:3) channelsT.pml:5 (state -) [values: 1!3]
26: proc 1 (A:3) channelsT.pml:5 (state 2) [c!3]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4][3]
MSC: ~G line 3
27: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:3 (state 1) [(!((len(c)<5)))] <merge 0 now @2>
spin: _spin_nvr.tmp:3, Error: assertion violated
spin: text of failed assertion: assert(!(!((len(c)<5))))
#processes: 2
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4][3]
27: proc 1 (A:3) channelsT.pml:6 (state 3)
27: proc 0 (:init::1) channelsT.pml:18 (state 4)
27: proc - (p:2) _spin_nvr.tmp:3 (state 2)
3 processes created
Exit-Status 0
Indeed a bug
Here is the same output for the fixed version of Spin, which will be version 6.4.4:
ltl p: [] ((len(c)<5))
starting claim 3
using statement merging
1: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
Never claim moves to line 4 [(1)]
2: setting priority of proc 0 (:init:) to 2
Pid Name Priority
1 :init: 2
0 p 1
2: proc 0 (:init::2) priorities.pml:25 (state 1) [set_priority(0, 2)]
3: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
Starting A with pid 2 priority 1
4: proc 0 (:init::2) priorities.pml:26 (state 2) [(run A())]
5: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
Starting B with pid 3 priority 2
6: proc 0 (:init::2) priorities.pml:27 (state 3) [(run B())]
7: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
8: proc 2 (B:2) priorities.pml:15 (state 4) [c!1]
queue 1 (c): [1]
8: setting priority of proc 1 (A) to 4
Pid Name Priority
3 B 2
2 A 4
1 :init: 2
0 p 1
8: proc 2 (B:2) priorities.pml:17 (state 2) [set_priority(1, 4)]
queue 1 (c): [1]
8: proc 2 (B:2) priorities.pml:18 (state 3) [c!2]
queue 1 (c): [1][2]
9: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
queue 1 (c): [1][2]
10: proc 1 (A:4) priorities.pml:6 (state 1) [((i<4))]
queue 1 (c): [1][2]
11: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
queue 1 (c): [1][2]
12: proc 1 (A:4) priorities.pml:7 (state 2) [c!3]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3]
13: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3]
14: setting priority of proc 1 (A) to 1
Pid Name Priority
3 B 2
2 A 1
1 :init: 2
0 p 1
14: proc 1 (A:1) priorities.pml:8 (state 3) [set_priority(_pid, 1)]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3]
15: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3]
16: setting priority of proc 2 (B) to 3
Pid Name Priority
3 B 3
2 A 1
1 :init: 2
0 p 1
16: proc 2 (B:3) priorities.pml:20 (state 5) [set_priority(_pid, 3)]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3]
17: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3]
18: proc 2 (B:3) priorities.pml:21 (state 6) [c!4]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4]
19: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4]
20: proc 2 terminates
21: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4]
22: proc 1 (A:1) priorities.pml:9 (state 4) [i = (i+1)]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4]
A(1):i = 1
23: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4]
24: proc 1 (A:1) priorities.pml:6 (state 1) [((i<4))]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4]
25: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:4 (state 4) [(1)]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4]
26: proc 1 (A:1) priorities.pml:7 (state 2) [c!3]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4][3]
27: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:3 (state 1) [(!((len(c)<5)))] <merge 0 now @2>
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4][3]
spin: _spin_nvr.tmp:3, Error: assertion violated
spin: text of failed assertion: assert(!(!((len(c)<5))))
27: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:3 (state 2) [assert(!(!((len(c)<5))))]
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4][3]
Never claim moves to line 3 [assert(!(!((len(c)<5))))]
spin: trail ends after 27 steps
#processes: 2
queue 1 (c): [1][2][3][4][3]
27: proc 1 (A:1) priorities.pml:8 (state 3)
27: proc 0 (:init::2) priorities.pml:28 (state 4) <valid end state>
27: proc - (p:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:2 (state 6)
3 processes created
If you want to make the fix in your current version of Spin:
- edit the file run.c and look for the last function definition, which is set_priority
change the initial assignment
int i = nproc - nstop;
int i = nproc - nstop - Have_claim;
and add an external declaration for Have_claim somewhere at the top of the file:
extern short Have_claim;
- recompile and reinstall
Thanks for the quick response!
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